Mitzi, Chuck, Breigh, Brook, Landry, and Lyla drove in for a visit. We were so excited to get to spend time with them. Are kids are so happy to get see each other, Emma could hardly sleep the night they were coming.
This weekend was also Lolly and DeDe's 20th High school reunion so we got to have a homemade pizza making party at our house one night.
Lyla wasn't interested in eating so Henry decided he was going to feed her. It worked really well. She ate good with Henry feeding her.
The big girls had a funny jump contest.
Go Emma!
Go Breigh!
Go Brook!
Go Gracie!
Go Belle---great 360!
Breigh Rock'd it!
Brook kept us laughing!
Emma's Frog.
Gracie likes striking a pose!
Belle is pretty impressive with gymnastic ability!
Landry was content just swimming around with the mermaids.
Daddy's were on patrol while we were making everyone's pizzas....these girls can EAT!!!
One last one of Emma Spiking the ball.
Lyla decided having someone feed you was the way to go and got Emma to share her Ice Cream with her. I hope that sweet baby knows how lucky she is.
Henry and Landry were too CUTE together. They played and played...Henry woke up each morning they were here (that he didn't spend the night at Lolly's with them) you think Landry is up yet!!! That was the 1st thing out of his mouth.
Sweet Big Sister.
We totally wore Brook out...she rolled up in the blanket and got stepped on a couple of times.
Here is the crew....we swam alot this week they were together. And one afternoon Donna, Phiefer, Amy, Trinity, and Taelar drove down to hang with us.
Here's the line up: Belle 7, Landry 5, Emma 8, Gracie 10, Trinity 9, Henry 4, Breigh 13, Taelar 12, and Brook 11.
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