A few months ago the Son's family asked The Welchs, The Coopers, and us if we would like to celebrate New Years at the Great Wolf Lodge...what a GREAT idea.
We decided to go down 1 night early and check out the Gaylord and Shrek on Ice. We have been before and couldn't wait to check out the decorations and the show.
The Giant Gingerbread house is always a favorite of ours. It is so cool...I must admit it had been snacked on a little...and that is just NASTY!!!!
This year Santa's reindeer were dressed up and placed all over the lobby. We had a great time finding them all.
This is Comet.
Henry is in LOVE with trains... especially ones that go all by themselves. He watched this forever!!! Our favorite train was the teal train. The houses mimicked down town Grapevine and most were made out of Gingerbread also.
Have I mentioned that I love my new camera and the cool tricks I can do with it.
Emma waited very patiently with her daddy while Henry drooled over the trains.
Shad liked Comet too!!!
Alex is too Funny...well at least she and I think she is...
The Gaylord has such a beautiful path outside and the weather was prefect. I got alot of great shots of our kiddo's.
Emma will pose not mater what...you even act like your are going to take a picture and BAM she posed and ready.
Alex loves her daddy and his sloppy kisses!!!
But Henry gets jealous and needs in on the action.
So this one I got her to tone it down a bit...I love it.
We found Prancer!!!
Henry loved all the decorations and looking for the reindeer.
Cupid! But no more time to look now...we have to get to ICE!!!
We met up with the Welchs and the Burgers. Did you know it was 9 degrees in there...COLD!!!
Fiona really has her hands full!!!
Donkey was looking good!!!
Run little piggies!!!
Ashley and Lauren
And the ICE slide...Henry was a little hesitant at first but once I got him up there we couldn't get him to stop. All the girls LOVED it. I think we went 4 times before we all decided we were might lose a finger or toe to frost bite if we didn't find the exit soon.
Here comes GRACIE
Even Alex was all about it!!!
Henry and Emma
And yes me too!!!
CRAZY GIRL!!! she loves that puss in boots.
again and again...he loved it.
The Welchs were excited to find Dragon.
Ashley, Lauren, Rachelle, and Brian Burger.
We were so glad they joined us for ICE and dinner.
Well lets just say...Henry was having a wardrobe malfunction.
The Nativity at the end of ICE was breathtaking. I love that they always include this in the show.
After ICE we had some time to kill before dinner so we continued our reindeer search. While we were looking we found this amazing replica of the Gaylord. TOO COOL!!!!
and more trains.
and a cool fountain.
Dasher...and yes Lolly is giving me a wet willy to get the kids to look at the camera...one of these daysss....right in the kisser!!!!
Since the Welchs and Burgers hadn't seen all the reindeer we had to take them back around. On the way to dinner. We had a great Mexican meal and called it a night.
This is why we always request rooms close together.
The next morning after breakfast...the hunt was back on before we had to check out and head over to the Great Wolf Lodge.
Yea we found them all!!!

After check out we had sometime before we could hit the Lodge...
Shad had the great idea of going to Bass Pro. It was perfect because they had a stocked tank and poles ready for the kids. We got over an hour of fishing in. Belle was the only lucky one that day but it was so much fun.
Now lets get on over to the Lodge and ring in the New Year.
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