Sunday, October 16, 2011

1st 5K Spirit of Survival

So about 10 weeks ago I started the couch to 5K program. My bestie Bobo has asked me to do the Disney 1/2 Marathon with her in 2013. Our boys are going to do the Goofy...1/2 one day and a full the next.

While I may have been working out for a long time...I DON'T run...never have. I have some friends who have tried the couch to 5k and loved I gave it a shot...while I can't say I love it...I can say I did it. And I am going to keep running. I may not make it to the 1/2 but I do love the work out I get with running.

Shad has been the most amazing encourager to me. He is such a great source of support and information. He is my greatest cheerleader. (next to Henry) He signed us up to do the Spirit of Survival 5K. He and Henry ran with me (Henry actually ran LOT of the 5K...maybe next year we will sign him up to run with us) Thank you to my family and friends for your loving support.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Yay! I am so proud of you!!!

I plan on starting the couch to 10k program in 2 weeks. I wonder if they have a couch to 13.1 mile program? Ha ha!

Love you Annabeth! You are a true inspiration. My only wish is that we lived close enough to work out our hate for running together. :)