Tonight after a GREAT Halloween party and trailer trick-or-treating we headed home for bed. I gave Henry a bath and followed our normal routine. After our story it was time to pray. Henry wanted to go first. I asked what he wanted to pray for and he said as always "my friends" So I began
me: Dear Lord
Henry: Dear Lord
Me: Thank you for my friends
Henry: Thank you for my friends
Me: and
Henry: no mama me.....Thank you for mama and daddy and Buzz Lightyear (aka: IVey) Amen
Me: Great prayer Henry
Henry: Tanks
Oh my goodness I could hardly hold back the tears of joy and pride!!! We still struggle with getting Emma to say her own prayers and here my 2 year old stops me so he can take control and pray by himself. Thank you Lord for answered prayers!
Amazing. Love that little man!
Love LOVE it! What a great blog, thanks for sharing.
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