I finally got to meet her! Kate...I was so thrilled. I could hardly contain myself. My family felt the exact same way. We had all been praying for this sweet girl for 2 years now. It is so amazing to see God's work right before your eyes. The last month has been such a testimony for Shad and I as well as our kids.
Bobo and Mike are finally home with Kate and we gave them just a little time to try to settle in before we ran in for a quick visit. The Milfords are moving this Tuesday to Georgia. 14 hours away from us. We are so happy for them. This is a great move and most likely we will still see them just as often but it is just hard knowing that if they needed me it would take me a little longer to get there. And Visa Versa I am sure!

As soon as we got there it was present time. We got each of the girls a little
goodie for their long road trip ahead and we got Mike and
Bobo a blog book of
their journey to getting Kate home. We hope it is a special keepsake for them.
Now it was time to play.

Kate and Henry hit it off right away. He was in LOVE!!! They both loved chalk...Henry likes dumping it out and Kate likes picking it all back up...
Here is Emma really working on those big sister skills with June!
Blair and Emma snuck away for a few minutes of big girl time. They planted all those black eyed peas...and I do mean all.
It didn't take long for June and Kate to teach Henry how to climb the rock wall to get to the club house. He was so proud of himself.

Still on their own, but not for long!

As soon as the hose came out the big girls got some extra help.
Emma and Blair are only 5 months apart in age. They are both beautiful sweet girls. And as I heard Blair put it to her friends at the park the next day-"They have been friends since they were babies"

Another Big Sister shot..she is really getting this down.

Since Bobo and Mike were gone so long the sandbox was a little over grown with weeds...not to fear farmer Bobo took care of that in no time. Henry and June were so excited and FILTHY!!

I just love this picture...time for some swing races!!

I know there is a ton of these pictures but I couldn't help it ..I promise there are 4X's as many on my computer. These are just the best. I bet Emma and Blair did this like 50 times. Racing to swing on their tummies over and over. You can see Henry climbing next to them..then he is gone then he is back...That is some of the shots that I left out...just humor me.

Now it is Henry's turn to show him what he could do..

Kate and Bobo got a kick out of the entire thing.

Group sliding was next and it went rather well.

Kate even thought that looked like fun and wanted in on the action.

For dinner I requested Hard 8. I have heard about it for years from Bobo and I just couldn't wait to try it.
Blair(6), Emma(6), June (3), Kate (2)

Just look at all that...I couldn't help but think of the Schmidt's...This is so up Frank's alley...Boy was it good!!!

After dinner we headed home for baths and time to relax a bit. (Apple your killing us ya know)

Alex and I snuck off with Kate for some one on one play time. I think Bobo has a pic of me and Kate playing. She is so sweet and so soft spoken. She does act like a 2 year old but it is much cuter when someone says "No" in Chinese!

The next morning Henry woke us up early begging to go back and see Kate. So we came back for round 2. Shad sat down to do some work and when he pulled out the Ipad, Kate knew just what to do. Bobo explained that her nannies all had IPhones and she had played with them so this was familiar to her. Not to mention Shad puts out the baby pharomone. I am only slightly jealous. Wait till you see them at the park.

After we finished getting the house ready to be shown we jumped over to the city park. Bobo invited friends to play and say goodbyes before they left. Great idea!!! It wasn't sad at all because everyone was to busy playing to remember this was goodbye.

I admit this picture is totally staged. Kate saw Shad on this bench and I was across the park. She walked up and sat down a few feet away from him. He shared his water with her and they were BUDS!! I snuck in just to pretend she loved me more.

While we were playing I noticed this sweet little girl. I knew I knew her...then it hit me...This is Reece...if Reece is here then so is her mamma Amy!!! Yea the Nickleson's. Amy is a good friend that Ashley and I grew up with. She and her family live in Waco and they drove in for the play date. Great surprise!!!

This is the first time Henry has really enjoyed the swings. We have gone a couple of times but he just wasn't into it. I think it was the whole sitting still thing but once Alex got him started we could hardly pull him out!

June and I decided to give them a run for their money.

So here they are...Those beautiful Milford girls....boy Mike you are going to need a BIG STICK to beat those boys away. This family is so precious to us. We are blessed in so many ways by them.

Ok so here is the real picture...Kate picked Shad! But no worries...she will love me, I know it!

Me and Bobo!!! Thank you Milford's for letting us come and visit just 2 days before you are packing up to move. It meant so much to my family. We love you guys to the MOON!!!

This beautiful child. God has big plans for you!
Oh Annabeth! I couldn't read this without crying! We miss you all so much, but TOTALLY enjoyed getting to hang out with you all before we headed east. Thank you for your encouragement. I miss you sweet sister!
Ok. Now that I have stopped crying, let me just say. Awesome!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of the girls on the swings. Hi-larious!!! B and I laughed and laughed!
And the pic of us is just great. Chicklet teeth and all! Ha ha!!
The "staged" pic of you and K is great too. No need to fear, I have proof that she likes you too. :)
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